What makes Mosa Mack materials so special?
By Science Teachers for Science Teachers
Award-winning and grounded in research
Aligned to standards with guidance for bringing them to life
Available in English and Spanish
Supporting and
Challenging all Students
Centered around student voice and active learning
Built around hands-on labs and engineering challenges
Designed to model critical thinking and support all learners
Ready for
Classroom Use
Flexible, allowing teachers to determine which topics to cover
Developed to make running labs easy and practical
Accessible through a user-friendly platform
Our Development Process
We start with one key question:
“How can we make this unit as engaging as possible?”
We intentionally select a real-world mystery or mind-boggling phenomenon that will pull teachers in and connect with students emotionally. Then we connect it back to the standards, vocabulary, and research-based pedagogy to start building a lesson.
Throughout the development process, we rely on our years of classroom experience to design the best lessons for both teachers and students:
We make sure the resources are clear, easy to implement, and engaging for new and experienced teachers.
We ensure students have a clear “why” that keeps them engaged, gets their mental wheels turning, and sparks inspiration. We also work to ensure an ideal balance between usability and open-ended inquiry.
Once the lesson structure is in place, we build the unit, test it in classrooms, and do the multiple revisions and retests until we reach the version that teachers love most.
Then we repeat the process for the next unit, while also creating subresources (like science literacy articles) that support the lesson.
Why Science Educators Choose Mosa Mack Materials

Invites students to see themselves as scientists
Materials showcase diverse and relevant representations of scientists

Real-world scientific phenomena
Scientific questions that allow students to connect on a deeper level

Promotes deep, active engagement
Fun, exciting lessons that ask students to solve mysteries built around scientific concepts

Creates lessons that set teachers up for success
Treats teachers as learning facilitators rather than lecturers

Content-embedded teacher development
Ongoing professional development opportunities through the materials

Practical, flexible, and turnkey lessons
Everything is neatly packaged, easily understood, and instantly usable
Science Literacy
Learning to become scientifically literate is empowering for students; it’s a language kids use to become more aware, thoughtful, and critical about the world around them.
Mosa Mack strategically weaves scientific literacy into each unit to provide kids with a toolkit that empowers their scientific journey.
Students experience, react to, and question phenomena in the world around them. They review claims, analyze information, and develop their own explanations while driving their own instruction. All Mosa Mack lessons highlight how science and scientific decision-making is relevant outside of the classroom and show students how they’re already using those innate skills every day
to You
Mosa Mack Science is built by and for science educators, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
What you can expect from the Mosa Mack Science team:
A dedicated Customer Success Manager to ensure you’re getting the most out of the program.
Swift responses to your teachers’ curriculum and
technical questions through live chat support.
Advance knowledge of new content launches and
Fresh and new content designed to bring out each
students’ inner scientist.
Deep knowledge of teaching and learning best